Winnipeg and a day of rest

We left Thunder Bay this morning in rain which continued at varying intensities until about 10 AM EDT. This was a time change day. All the electronics automatically changed to CDT but I will have to take a course before I change the car’s clock. Why can’t it change automatically too. It has GPS access and cellular access for the BlueLink remote control but apparently, the clock is too hard to do.

It takes the best part of three days to get out of Ontario. Sitting at 96° 48’ 35” W, situated in the town of Tache, Manitoba, just 30 minutes or so from the province’s capital city of Winnipeg is the Longitudinal Center of Canada. I know many Ontario’s think they own the centre but geographically it’s not so.

Today we traveled another 702 km making the three day total 2175 km. As we traveled westward the hard rock of the Canadian Shield has changed into the hills and forests north of Lake Superior then into the flatter lakeland of western Ontario. That morphs into the flat farmland of eastern Manitoba. Also, the 90 Kph two lane highways of Ontario suddenly becomes 100 Kph four lane highways of Manitoba.

Upon arriving in Winnipeg we had occasion to drive through the city which is, simply said, under construction. Places that I knew as landmarks in the 1960s are simply unrecognizable and the traffic is just like the Toronto area insanity. Our hotel is on the eastern margin of the city and when we leave we will take the bypass highway to avoid Portage Avenue which is still officially the Trans Canada Highway #1. There are only a few photos today but check them out. Tomorrow is a rest day so there may not be a post. Sunday we start across the Prairies and we will see what that brings.

Paul Theroux

Tourists don’t know where they’ve been, travelers don’t know where they’re going.

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2 years ago

We’ll, I learned something new today!
“The Longitudinal Centre of Canada”
Interesting! Glad you’re safe, enjoy yourselves on your day off.

Sally Reid
2 years ago

Sounds like a wonderful adventure so far!
We were able to tour London yesterday including a walk down the Mall to Buckingham Palace — incredibly sad and quite emotional — a nation in mourning.😥