Saguenay stop and beyond

We departed Quebec City on the evening of September 28 and arrived at the port of Saguenay, which is actually the town of La Baie, early the following morning. The ship’s arrival was greeted by a group of singers and dancers performing on the pier. Two smaller cruise ships were anchored in the harbour and their tenders were shuttling passengers to the pier at which our ship was berthed.

The morning began with cool temperatures but by mid morning the sun had warmed things up to a very comfortable level. The walkway along the harbour was busy with locals and cruise ship visitors who were not on tour busses. A helicopter was flying passengers on 12 or 17 minute tours for those willing to spend $120 or $170 per person. We were not among them. Gail’s position is that the only way she would be in a helicopter is if it was a CARE flight and she was anesthetized.

After increasing our step count walking beside the beach we spent much of the day wandering the ship a d finding new people with whom to talk. Meeting new people is one of our favourite things to do on board. The many lounges and dining rooms offer multiple opportunities to socialize and it is rare to find anyone unwilling to chat. Of course, the fact that every venue has a wine and cocktail menu helps the process.

The ship began sailing south down the Saguenay Fjiord at about 4 PM. As we sat in the dining room for our evening meal we had a sea level view of the western bank of the seaway. There is no beach strip as the mountains plunge directly into the water. Shortly after the sunset the ship turned eastward into the St Lawrence River and slowly, as there is a speed limit to protect whales, made our way toward Prince Edward Island.

By the morning of September 30 we were located In the Gulf of the St Lawrence and Anticosti Island traveling eastward at less than 10 knots (18 kph or 11 mph). We expect to arrive at Charlottetown, PEI early Tuesday morning. We will spend the time on board meeting new friends, drinking good wine, eating delicious food. listening to a variety of musicians and ocassionally venturing to the dance floor.

The music on board has been provided by a couple of solo musicians and four groups. The largest is a an eight piece show band that plays for the stage shows and guest singers. Another five piece group called Gravity is referred to as the “party band” whose main claim to fame is “LOUD”. They are a good group with a decent repertoire but stay pretty much in the pop and rock genres. There are two duos playing alternately in different venues. La Boheme is a string duo sometimes supported by a recorded backing track. Their repertoire is extensive covering pop classics to such things as “Oblivion” by Astor Piazzolla and classical works for strings. They often use unique arrangements of well known melodies. Los Brilliantes is the second duo which we have not seen too much of yet.

The first stage show of the cruise was rather different from the traditional Las Vegas style. It was a performance of a Steven Shwartz show “Magic to do” crafted for performance on the cruise ship stage. It was a success judging by the attendance and comments shared after the show. This link may provide additional information about the show. I know we enjoyed the performance.

J.A. Redmerski, The Edge of Never

I wonder if the ocean smells different on the other side of the world.”

Emerald Princess at Quebec City

We arrived at the cruise terminal early which is something we’ve done many times before. The plan was to drop off our checked baggage then park the car. I guess we were too early for this port. We were directed to an area to drop our luggage but could not access it. The security people either looked at us and shrugged or refused to acknowledge English. As a last resort we found the parking lot, a four level garage, where we found a spot on level three. A full investigation found no elevators. Thankfully. wheels on luggage has been invented so we pretended to be a vehicle and rolled back down the same ramps we just used.

We headed for what appeared to be the terminal nearest the ship. As we got closer we indeed found a couple of dock workers loading luggage onto the familiar dollies. These are palettes with three sides off heavy wire mesh. Luggage is loaded through the one open side. Once loaded it can be moved on its wheels or picked up by a fork lift and staged near a loading door win the ship’s side. Now we joined a second queue to await the opening of the checkin area. Much of the confusion was due to our early arrival but once the boarding process got underway we were on the ship in less than 30 minutes.

The weather in Quebec City is overcast and breezy with occasional rain. Since we have visited the city on several previous occasions we decided to not wander the streets. Perhaps the weather will be better when we return in three weeks. So we have used the time to explore the ship and catch up on laundry.

It took a while to get internet access set up on the ship so I’ll post this without additional photos then add photos and publish again on our trip from Charlottetown to Sydney while we are at sea.

Roseanne Barr

Men read maps better than women because only men can understand the concept of an inch equaling a hundred miles.

Lévis, QC, last stop before embarkation

There were two words for the day. First was Pohénégamook, the interim destination to avoid the construction on Autoroute 85. Second was rain. We awakened to rain which varied in intensity culminating in a torrential downpour as we approached Quebec City and Lévis. As a result, there are no new photos today. The traffic approaching Lévis was reminiscent of Burlington.

We decided to make a trial run to the cruise port to get an idea of what tomorrow might look like. A few things are not yet clear but I expect there will be traffic control at the port. I just need to drop off our checked luggage and park the car. The rain continued until we returned to our hotel in Lévis.

The rain has now stopped and the forecast for tomorrow is cloudy with sunny periods until late in the day. We board the ship around 11 AM. You can find the Princess Bridge cams HERE and we will be on the Emerald Princess

Next post from the Emerald Princess.

James Russell Lowell

A wise man travels to discover himself.

Edmunston, first stop in the Maritimes

We started the day too early. Somehow the first day of travel is more tiring than it should be so we fell asleep too early and Gail was awake before 5 AM which meant I would be awakened not long after. That made it easy to get to the 6:30 breakfast. After a refuelling stop we were on Highway 20 by 7:15. Highway 20 does not have the same kind of service centres as on Ontario 401 but the services were regular and well advertised. Today we shared the driving whereas yesterday I did it all.

After we passed Montreal traffic eased and once passed Quebec City, or Levis, the scenery became more interesting. There were farms and forests and eventually we could see mountainous terrain across the St Lawrence which was occasionally in sight. Gail took her second shift in the driver’s seat as we approached Rivière-du-Loup and I navigated the transfer to Quebec highway 85. Almost as soon as we started south on 85 things became strange and we found ourselves navigating country roads which seemed to take us further from Highway 85. I had some awareness of a construction project on 85 but was unable to find any information about detours before we left home. While Gail drove I began consulting both Apple maps and Google maps only to discover that their detour routes were not identical. When we finally reached Highway 85 again both Apple and Google located us in the middle of nowhere since the newly constructed highway was not up to date for either system. My solution was simple, follow that truck. That seemed to work. At our last rest stop before Edmunston we found a Quebec Information Centre where the attendant was only too pleased to show me how to avoid all the construction. The secret, he said, was to aim for Pohénégamook, Quebec then take Highway 289 north to Highway 20. We shall try that on our return trip.

I’m adding a few more photos today which can be viewed in the sidebar or in the East Coast and Maritime Cruise 2024 Photo Gallery. We will undoubtedly find a few more photo opportunities in days to come.

Lailah Gifty Akita

It is never too late to take another voyage.