It’s official. I no longer know which travel day it is. I Staying in Victoria has been a lovely, relaxing experience. I will get a few pictures uploaded for days 10 and 11 but I think that still leaves me a day behind. I will catch up. On Friday we drove to Fisgard Lighthouse which is also a fort designed to protect the island a couple of wars ago. Saturday took a short trail walk and managed a few photos of the sea and surroundings. We also managed a visit to see John and Jose, cousins from my Grandfather’s family.
During our wanderings around the Victoria area I often recognize the names of streets but rarely appreciate why there is recognition. Our family left Victoria for the Vancouver area when I was 13, almost 70 years ago. I may have been in Victoria since but I really can’t recall the timing. After a few days I am starting to appreciate the lush growth of gardens and forests the climate of Vancouver Island fosters. One of the nice things has been the relative absence of road construction although the traffic is significant. There are no limited access highways here so all travel is on city streets, some posing as numbered highways.
I’m certain there is more to say but I will try to add more as I recall it. For now I’ll let you know there are a few more photos uploaded, I am trying to keep the GPS tags on as many as I can. For some reason, probably me, location services on Gail’s phone was disabled. I have also started to use my Fuji camera which is just old enough to not have GPS tagging capability. The photos you see from that camera may eventually have accurate geotags. I’m working on a method for getting them tagged.
Terry Pratchett, The Light Fantastic
You haven’t really been anywhere until you’ve got back home.
The size of the Sequoias Tree is truly amazing – a beautiful backdrop with Gail and companion