Second Stop, Honolulu

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Today’s post is later in the day since we are stationary at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. We have enjoyed staying here before and there may be no better place to do our time zone adjustment. This morning we wandered the grounds with camera in hand and have posted the results for you to check out. Photos Today

West Jet got us to Honolulu 40 minutes earlier than scheduled. There was even a gate waiting for us. Both occurrences are rare in our experience. Our shuttle brought us almost to the checkin desk at the hotel which is possible because it is in the open, something you can do when the climate is warm and nearly the same year round. Our room was on the 10th floor of the Tapa tower, one of about seven towers now associate with the resort. Although there are hundreds of travellers the warmth, the lovely grounds and bubbling water features seem to create a relaxing environment.

Our stop here is a ridiculous combination of opulence and thrift. Sufficient to say there are no real “discount”rates at the Hawaiian Village and our Steak dinner tonight will doubtless carry a price tag we would normally avoid, breakfast and lunch are purchased in the local grocery store and consumed in our room or on the grounds, almost as economically as when at home. The shops are blended nicely with the palm trees, shrubs, ponds and flowers. Everything from Louis Vuitton to Starbucks to small kiosks selling inexpensive souvenirs. If inclined, you can blow the whole vacation budget on shoes, purses and clothes.

The resort services fit exactly with our plan. Two and a half days to recover from the six hour time change plus a great way to address our late flight to New Zealand. Tomorrow we check out and put our luggage into storage for the day. We access the resort’s services all day then have a hospitality room booked for 7 PM. Perfect to get cleaned up and ready for our 8:30 PM ride to the Airport.

I think we have found A requested souvenir for Val. There are a series of US quarters representing every state. Since arriving, we have had every store clerk searching for the Hawaii state coin. They have all been very accommodating and finally, we have it. Now if only we can put it where it can be located on our return.

Lunch is finished, sandwiches and fruit, so we will be off to splash around in the ocean and pools. After that, I suppose it will be time for a nap before dinner. After dinner we get to watch the Friday evening fireworks display. I will take the camera, perhaps a photo will be possible.
