Saguenay again

It is a cold, rainy day in La Baie today but we are back on Eastern Time. This is the final port before Quebec City and the start of our return home. I had expected to see more colour after 16 days but not much has changed. Here are a few photos for comparison.

This will probably be the final post of this trip. We expect to be home by Friday and back to a regular routine again by Monday. Thanks to all who followed along and to those who contributed comments. We have often told fellow travellers that we were members of the SKI club, meaning Spending Kids Inheritance.Yesterday we found people who were members of the KING club, meaning Kids Inheritance Nearly Gone.

Samuel Johnson

The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, see them as they are.

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Sally and Alan
4 months ago

Such a shame about the fall colour’s– same here though, everything’s delayed by about 2 weeks . The journey looked lovely — mother nature and her rain could have behaved for you!!!