On the sea, on the sea…on the beautiful sea.

Merry Christmas!

It is day 6, Christmas Day, our final sea day before arriving in Honolulu and it is warm if a bit overcast. I enjoy sea days, not because they are filled with activity but because they are at sea and there is little else that confirms how truly small and helpless we are. Our 110 thousand ton ship sails her course at the whim of the ocean and the weather. The Pacific Ocean at its calmest flicks at us with waves that the ship is powerless to resist. We maintain our 21 knot pace toward Honolulu on faith that the ship’s navigator will bring the ship to its intended destination. There is nothing visible that is convincing proof we are going to Hawaii. 

The first two nights aboard the Star Princess takes us well off the coast of North America. The weather remained cool and partially overcast, those seeking suntans had to wait. The sea was relatively calm but the swells were sufficient to give us a gentle rolling motion which I always find rather pleasant.

The barista who served me our second morning wake-up coffee was a Jamaican lad who is living in Toronto when not on the ships. I was wearing a Blue Jays T-shirt so he made me apologize for their early departure from the baseball post season. He served me with a smile in spite of the baseball failure. When I returned to the room I found Gail happy because she seemed to get her first complete night’s sleep of the trip. 

Wednesday evening we enjoyed dancing for the first time since Gail injured her shoulder before we left home. She was still experiencing some discomfort but managed brilliantly while avoiding expressive arm motions. There are several very good dance couples on this cruise, particularly a younger couple from Calgary who have clearly been in competition. There are also several couples who use enthusiasm to make up for their technique. Everyone seems to share the floor happily. The ship’s orchestra played a set that was very danceable and there are two other groups that will provide enjoyable, danceable entertainment.

Sea days are good to meet people, read and enjoy the hot tub. Still too cool for the pool but the weather is improving as we move west. Gail was able to participate in the hula class without too much discomfort so that is good news. Late this afternoon I glanced out the cabin window to see more whitecap like splashes than should have been there. A closer look and there was a pod of dolphin. Over the next several minutes at least four more pods passed along the ships starboard side and off into the distance. Their appearance was over so quickly no photos were possible The evening was busy with the hula dancers (students) hijacking the Wheelhouse much to everyone’s delight. 

Saturday morning was the first true evidence of warm weather. Seas were almost flat and winds very light. The sun was bright with only a few scattered clouds. We have been wandering on deck off and on since finishing breakfast. There are a couple of speakers on board that add interest. One is an astronomer and the other a naturalist. Today we learned that we should wear expendable clothes while whale watching in Maui. Apparently clothes need to be burned after a whale sneezes on you. Christmassy things are all around including people with strange, illuminated elf like costumes. The spa pool was enjoyable this afternoon but we still followed it with some time in the hot tub. The hot tubs are great places to meet people. Because of the number of Californians on this cruise it is becoming a point of honour to check everyone’s home and to cheer when an entire group is from places other than California. 

Christmas Eve included carol singing, amusing costumes and a generally Christmas atmosphere, or as much as possible for those of us who normally associate the season with cold weather and snow, neither of which we have. Although there were artificial snowflakes falling on the carollers in the atrium. On Christmas morning the strongest evidence of the day was the arrival of Santa for the children at about 10 AM. There are apparently about 500 children aboard and their presence has been the source of numerous smiles. Tonight most of us will dress formally for dinner and the evening’s activities.

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