Crossed the Pacific to Ensenada

At the time of this posting, internet service is still not great but we will make this our final post before arriving back in Burlington. There are no more photos in the album, the remainder will have to wait until I am home.

We just did a little shopping while in Hilo, the macadamias are too hard to resist. Perhaps some will actually make it home. Although Mauna Loa was cloud covered for the entire day we did not get any rain.

It is now nine days since we left Los Angeles, more precisely, San Pedro behind to sail across the Pacific to the islands that are said to be the most remote from any major land mass than any other. It is also claimed that the volcanos on the island of Hawaii are the highest mountains on the planet. Measurements are from the sea floor to the summit. Given the physics of their creation in comparison to that of the reputed highest peaks, such a reputation is reasonable. Never-the-less, it is possible to climb the recorded height of such peaks as Denali or Everest whereas that is not possible with Mauna Loa or Mauna Kea. Each is, in its own way, a geological marvel.

On a more personal note, it seems we have developed a reputation as the “tango dancers” on board. At times there are others on the floor when we dance with other musical groups but more often we are alone when Anna and Olga, the Sun Shine Duo, are playing a tango. They tend not to play the more commonly recognized tangos but their performances are superb. Almost always Olga looks for us and makes eye contact with a wink, smile or nod to invite us to dance. The first tango they played for us is one called Libertango which was the music selected for a show dance that Bonnie and I performed a little over a year ago. They have also learned that playing “The Lady in Red” almost guarantees we will perform a bolero. Since Anna and Olga most frequently entertain in the Piazza there is a large audience. We can see passengers stopping along the Atrium railings two decks above the Piazza floor. Thanks to our dance teachers, Bryan and Patricia, we seem to be able to execute an entertaining version of tango. Last evening we had danced once and were content to sit out the next one when a passenger sitting next to us looked over, smiled and motioned to the floor with an expectant smile. What else could we do? It was Libertango. This duo has become one of the two most entertaining and enjoyable groups on board this otherwise rather mediocre cruise, the other being “Elua”, “Tiki Dave” and Leialoha, the Hawaiian Cultural Ambassadors. It also appears that Gail and I may have become part of the Piazza entertainment. We really haven’t danced as much on this cruise as on others and most commonly dance out tango and bolero with an occasional rumba or cha cha. The number of passengers who stop us to say they enjoy our performances is quite surprising and numerous. They are performances since it is exceedingly rare that any others join us on the Piazza floor.

After leaving Hilo to sail east across the Pacific the ride has not been smooth. There are no huge waves just waves big enough that the wind turns their peaks into surf and a swell deep enough for the ship’s bow to make considerable spray. There has been enough movement to turn the swimming pools into wave pools which some seem to enjoy. We have been using the hot tubs frequently and they don’t have the same wave action as the larger pools. In the islands we stayed on deck to enjoy the sun but as we sail east across the Pacific the temperature has dropped a bit and lounging on the deck chairs is not for us.

On the evening of Sunday, December 30 we paid a visit to the Crown Grill steak house thanks to a gift from our travel agent. We enjoyed a very good quality and well prepared filet mignon. I think the 8 oz rating may be a bit conservative but if you were up to the task there was a 22 oz porterhouse available.

The afternoon of December 31 saw the performance of the Aloha Oe show. During the sea days on the cruise Hula and ukulele lessons were provided by the Hawaiian Cultural ambassadors “Tiki Dave” and Leialoha and this show is the culmination of that instruction. The stage was full and Gail performed with the hula group.

Our trip across the Pacific has been anything but smooth. It has not been violently rough but enough so you really know that the deck is moving beneath you. As we approach Ensenada, Mexico this morning, January 2, the sea became quite calm. There was no majestic sunrise and it is still quite cool but it looks like we will have a sunny day. Ensenada harbour is not one of the prettiest. It is an industrial site primarily but there is room for a couple of cruise ships to berth. A brief excursion ashore confirmed a sunny but cool day.

Back aboard, we took a little walk around the deck then back to the room to pack. Tomorrow we expect to arrive in San Pedro early then wait for our 10 AM transfer to LAX.

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Maui Whales and Hilo Sunrise

On Wednesday, December 26 we anchored at the island of Maui in the harbour off the coast of Lahaina. Our mission, to see some whales. Six of the tenders, otherwise known as ship’s survival craft or life boats, were lowered into the sea as the ship came to its anchorage. They begin by transporting to shore the shelters and supplies to be used ashore, with that complete, passengers become the  cargo. Passengers on ship’s tours congregate at designated locations on the ship and are moved to the tenders in groups. Those passengers without tour reservations are expected to collect numbered tickets and board the tenders as they become available. This practice often gets unthinking passengers somewhat angry. Apparently they would prefer the chaos of a few thousand people fighting for queue space.

Since over one hundred of us were booked on the whale watching tour, two tenders were used. Those of us on the first tender waited ashore under the very warm Maui sun while the remainder came ashore. The tenders were operating on about a 10  minute interval which doesn’t seem like a long time, however, the sun made it feel much longer. Once everyone was ashore, boarding the tour boat was very swift and there was shelter from the heat.

It took about 20 minutes to travel to the area near Molokai where there always seem to be plenty of whales and this year was no exception. Waiting for the first whale to show itself seemed like forever. Suddenly, they were all around. We did not get as close to them as we sometimes have but there was plenty of activity and I managed to get a few photos worth posting. You should be able to find them in the collection displayed in the right hand sidebar near the bottom of this web page.

The return trip was quick and Gail used the afternoon to do some laundry. There are some tasks that are difficult to avoid even on vacation. A second batch of laundry was sent to the ship’s laundry service but that won’t return for a day or so.

On Thursday, December 27 we visit our last Hawaiian port, Hilo on the island of Hawaii in the state of Hawaii. Confusing? I’m sure that’s why it is more often referred to as simply “The Big Island”. While this is true at this point in history, the island of Maui was once much bigger. The islands now known as Maui, Molokai, Lanai and Kahoolawe were once a single island much larger than today’s “Big Island”. Over the millennia Maui has sunk and its valleys filled by the ocean. These valleys are now between 100 and 300 feet deep and very warm, probably the reason the humpbacks find it such an attractive birthing centre; that and perhaps the absence of predators.

As we sailed into Hilo I was up very early and managed to get a sequence of photos of the most spectacular sunrise so far. They too are posted for you to see. 

Assuming the ship’s internet shows no improvement on the return trip this may be the last of the photos I post until returning. I will likely be able to do a couple more text only posts. As I finish writing this we are getting ready to go ashore to find macadamia nuts and some free WiFi to upload the photos and post this to the journal. 

Our next stop will be in Ensenada on January 2 so we will wish you a Happy New Year in advance.

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…Some Island Time…

The cool, cloudy weather of the past four days has been transformed into a sunny, warm, snowy day in Hilo.
The snow was limited to the top of Mauna Kea, the warm and sunny parts apply the lower elevations.

We took a morning trip into the town to stock up on macadamias.

Four days, four islands

The itinerary for this cruise was different. Historically, the first port has been Honolulu; Ensenada the last. This time Ensenada was the first port. There were two significant implications of this. First, the good news. Christmas Day would occur while we were at sea and not while we were in port at Honolulu. Christmas day in port would have been disaster for tours because of closures. December 26 was much preferred for tour operations although we discovered that some attractions were either closed or open for only a limited time. There was a second implication. We would, because of the stop in Mexico, be re-entering the USA upon arrival in Honolulu. I’m sure this seemed like a problem to no-one but that is not how many passengers perceived it. On paper everything worked out perfectly with passengers scheduled on early tours being processed first by US Immigration officials followed by all other passengers whose times were organized by their deck of residence. Unfortunately, immigration processing began 30 to 40 minutes later than planned. Before any of the tour passengers were processed two additional decks of passengers were queued up. The queue extended the length of the ship for most of three hours. Needless to say, I suppose, there was considerable poor language choices among frustrated passengers. For some of us, with no need for an early departure, people watching became interesting entertainment.

We left the ship, which was berthed at pier 2, around noon by which time we had abandoned our plans to dance at the Palladium, not because of the immigration delay but more to give Gail’s shoulder more time to improve, which it is doing—slowly. We have been dancing a little on the ship but we felt that an extended two hour or more dance might prove to be a setback. Our day on shore turned into a walk around the port area only to find that the once bustling shopping concourse at pier 4 (where we have berthed before) had become a ghost town leaving only a Barnes & Nobel, a Hooters and one other restaurant/bar where there had once been up to 50 shops. At the conclusion of our meanderings we returned to pier 2 with plans to take a shuttle to the Ala Moana shopping centre since we could find no pharmacy near the ship. It was at the pier 2 passenger terminal where I was to become a temporary vending machine repairman. Several attempts to get it to release a bottle of water produced absolutely no effect except for messages on a tiny screen that read sequentially: Make Payment — Make Selection — Purchase Cancelled. There was product in the machine, I could see it and I was going to get it.

While Gail was unsuccessfully trying to get some assistance from the few official looking people in the area (in fact there was barely sympathy), I stepped up my attack on the machine. Observation 1: buttons 1, 4, and 7 on the machine’s keypad don’t beep when pressed to make a selection. Observation 2: cells in the dispensing mechanism with a 1, 4, or 7 in there designation were full while those without were mostly sold out. Observation 3: attacking the machine with a shoulder turned on some lights and initiated whirring sounds from the machine. Ah ha. Attack plan formed. Shoulder into the machine (lights on), Make Payment (seems ok) Make Selection (hmmm 59 has product), buzz, berp, whirr, clank. Water bottle dispensed and proudly in hand i returned, to where Gail was chatting with a friendlier than average security agent, victorious.

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Thirst quenched, we boarded the Hilo Hatties shuttle to take us to the Ala Moana centre. It was only 2.5 km from the pier but riding seemed to be the choice. We were met by a friendly representative from Hilo Hatties, presented with an identifying shell lei after which she attempted to lead bus passengers through the parking lot, into the shopping centre and then to Hilo Hatties. I fear she arrived at the store alone. Bus passengers vanished into the crowd of shoppers. I hope she wasn’t being paid by the number of shuttle passengers she was able to deliver to the Hilo Hatties store. We never actually located the store while we were there, not that we tried very hard.

Our visit to Maui saw the sun dominate and produce temperatures in the mid to high 70s F. perhaps reaching 24 C. Tendering to the island was a bit hectic for those on early tours. We went ashore just after noon and did not have to wait at all. About 2:15 PM we boarded a 50 foot (16 m) catamaran and sailed out into the Maui channel, an area between the several islands that were once a single island. The water depth there is 300 ft. (90 m) or less and is ideal for humpback whales to give birth. During the two hours we were on the water we saw 100 or so sightings of what appeared to be several groups of whales including at least one calf. The boats observed the required distance and the whales didn’t seem to approach any of the craft with watchers.

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The last tender was scheduled to return to the Star Princess at 4:30 PM. We returned to our slip at about 4:15 to find nearly 1,000 passengers waiting for the 4:30 tender which holds a maximum of 150. Things went reasonably well until just after 5:00PM when the berths Princess was using to handle two tenders became occupied by a dinner cruise vessel, the Maui Princess. Another single berth became available and the remaining passengers were shuttled back to the ship. All-in-all our departure was delayed by about 1.5 hours. I guess everyone wanted to take full advantage of a really lovely day on a beautiful green island. Contributing to much of the green was a single banyan tree which covered most of a city block. Banyans, like mangroves and some fig trees, spread by dropping aerial roots from extended limbs. Each root cluster becomes another tree trunk which extends further and further. The canopy on this grove virtually covered an entire city block.

The vocal entertainment this evening was a very enjoyable group named “The Modern Gentlemen”. Apparently they have toured with Frankie Valli and did quite passable interpretations of several other groups including “The Beach Boys” and others of the same era. Their first two selections had me checking the way to the exit but the third was done a capella which seemed to inspire them. The remainder of the performance was close to spectacular.

Nawiliwili is the port used on the island of Kauai. It is primarily an industrial port with no services at the terminal. There are numerous shuttle busses available sponsored by merchants such as Hilo Hatties, K-Mart, WalMart and others. There is a beach and shopping plaza within a 10 minute walk of the terminal. There is also a small beach within the harbour that provides a few surfable waves. The plaza provided a place to resupply with macadamia nuts. The beach park served as home to numerous Kauai chickens. They are most evident in Kauai although I believe that are quite common on the other islands too. At one point a rooster and a hen scurried across the road herding nearly a dozen chicks. Doves are everywhere on the islands but today I saw a pair of red headed woodpeckers and managed to get a photo of one before the pair flew away. The ship departed right on time but just before departure a family of four was asked to check-in with the Purser (now called Passenger Services) which is usually a sign that they have not returned. Passenger gossip suggests they did not return before departure and since the port of Nawiliwili is restricted to daylight operation no longer delay could be tolerated. 

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It’s raining in Hilo! I think the Pacific Ocean is down a bit and the rain is trying to refill it. For the time being we are sitting in a night club at the top of the ship watching the rain gutters overflow. Actually there are no rain gutters. We once considered going ashore as the rain seemed to have stopped but by the time we got to the gangway the rain was heavy again so we cancelled Hilo and went to the hot tubs.

Next, five days at sea back to Los Angeles.

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