Good bye peaceful Honolulu, Hello Exhaustion

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Our last day in Honolulu was exactly what we wanted it to be—restful. The Hawaiian Village seems to specialize in, well making things restful.  After breakfast we moved our luggage to the storage centre and returned to our room for a leisurely coffee. As checkout time approached we abandoned the room and paid the bill, or at least transferred it to VISA. There are so many places to relax at the resort in the sun or in the shade. Places to shop are plentiful as are places to eat and drink or simply walk and enjoy the gardens of the resort and neighbouring resorts along the Waikiki Beach.

To pass part of the afternoon we booked on to a catamaran and sailed around the bay and visited Diamond Head. We managed a glimpse of several whales and paused as we returned to shore to allow several sea turtles to get a look at us. After a light dinner we picked up the key to a hospitality suite where we were able to shower off the beach sand and get ready for the marathon flight to Auckland and on to Melbourne.

Speedishuttle delivered us to Honolulu airport on time and the check-in, and security screening went smoothly. Once we were in the departure lounge it became evident that the Boeing 767 was going to be far from overloaded for its trip to Auckland. We actually departed Honolulu right on schedule and arrived in Auckland ahead of schedule. At 11 pm Saturday we took off from Honolulu, one hour later it became Sunday and about 4 or 5 hours later it became Monday. We did our very best to sleep through Sunday and a few hours of Monday but it was far from restful. The sunrise, however, helped us feel less tired.

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For some unexplained reason I was provided special meal service on this flight. It was not something I had requested but it did mean I got a nice fish dinner while the others had chicken and a reasonable ham and egg breakfast. It also resulted in our being served first. Oh well, thanks Air New Zealand. 

A few things went a bit sideways as we arrived in Auckland. First, we were unable to locate our checked luggage tags. Seems innocent enough, but nay, nay. Had we been certain our luggage had been checked through to Melbourne we could have used the International Connection route through New Zealand customs. Instead we had to go to the luggage carousel and make sure it did not come off the plane to be left stranded. It was about this time when the lost luggage tags were found, ah, but too late. Out through the terminal then back through a complete security screening—again. We arrived at our new departure gate with dignity our only loss, perhaps a bit of sanity too.

Our Boeing 777 was filled to capacity, unlike the previous flight. Once again we made good time and arrived early in Melbourne. By 11 AM we were in our new hotel room. Exhausted! Nay, nay again. To give up now would mean we would be out of sync for ever, or nearly so. Press on we did. We took a long walk through Melbourne’s China Town and did a bit of grocery shopping. Next we boarded the Free City Circle Tram and did one and a half circles of the Central Business District. 

We left the train for a while at Federation Square and figured out where to meet our Tuesday tour. Federation Square is a tourist hub with an information centre, several tour operators and access to the Yarra River bank where more food is offered and one finds river tours by boat. Looks like a possible activity for Friday.

It is now just after 6 PM Monday and we feel like we’ve been awake since Saturday. What do you know, we have!

Second Stop, Honolulu

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Today’s post is later in the day since we are stationary at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. We have enjoyed staying here before and there may be no better place to do our time zone adjustment. This morning we wandered the grounds with camera in hand and have posted the results for you to check out. Photos Today

West Jet got us to Honolulu 40 minutes earlier than scheduled. There was even a gate waiting for us. Both occurrences are rare in our experience. Our shuttle brought us almost to the checkin desk at the hotel which is possible because it is in the open, something you can do when the climate is warm and nearly the same year round. Our room was on the 10th floor of the Tapa tower, one of about seven towers now associate with the resort. Although there are hundreds of travellers the warmth, the lovely grounds and bubbling water features seem to create a relaxing environment.

Our stop here is a ridiculous combination of opulence and thrift. Sufficient to say there are no real “discount”rates at the Hawaiian Village and our Steak dinner tonight will doubtless carry a price tag we would normally avoid, breakfast and lunch are purchased in the local grocery store and consumed in our room or on the grounds, almost as economically as when at home. The shops are blended nicely with the palm trees, shrubs, ponds and flowers. Everything from Louis Vuitton to Starbucks to small kiosks selling inexpensive souvenirs. If inclined, you can blow the whole vacation budget on shoes, purses and clothes.

The resort services fit exactly with our plan. Two and a half days to recover from the six hour time change plus a great way to address our late flight to New Zealand. Tomorrow we check out and put our luggage into storage for the day. We access the resort’s services all day then have a hospitality room booked for 7 PM. Perfect to get cleaned up and ready for our 8:30 PM ride to the Airport.

I think we have found A requested souvenir for Val. There are a series of US quarters representing every state. Since arriving, we have had every store clerk searching for the Hawaii state coin. They have all been very accommodating and finally, we have it. Now if only we can put it where it can be located on our return.

Lunch is finished, sandwiches and fruit, so we will be off to splash around in the ocean and pools. After that, I suppose it will be time for a nap before dinner. After dinner we get to watch the Friday evening fireworks display. I will take the camera, perhaps a photo will be possible.


Vancouver then Honolulu

Glad we stopped in Vancouver. We had a brief visit with Jeff & Dave and Gail got her traditional White Spot burger. Only in BC, and perhaps Calgary.

The Abercorn Inn was more than adequate. Having encountered a bit of a baggage delay on arrival we missed the hotel shuttle and grabbed a cab to the hotel. This morning the shuttle dropped us at the International Terminal. We remembered the 2007 trip through this airport while the terminal was under construction. Today was a much more pleasant experience. The Nexus experience here was good. Every time we travel the Global Entry process differs from the previous.

The mountains have been visible through a light overcast. Rain is predicted but we will be gone. Daffodils are in full bloom as are numerous trees. Mine were just breaking the surface when we left.

Now we wait. Time to purchase sandwiches for lunch en route. Even the cabin staff recommends bringing your own food. It looks like our airplane is waiting too.

An apology may be due. I think my robot mailer may have sent yesterday’s post twice. We shall see if I fixed it today.


Next post from Honolulu.

It finally begins

Bags all packed and within airline weight limits if barely. With household checklist complete Todd delivered us to Pearson airport. Check-in was simple and security was quick even though our Nexus identification did not get special treatment.

So, here we sit waiting for our airplane.

And here it is. Next stop, Vancouver.