From Saint John NB

After Boston we heard complaints about the boarding but no actual facts about the reason for the delays. The occasional rumour pops up about possible Coast Guard involvement or an unknown person on board. The truth will remain forever a mystery.

The overnight voyage to Portland ME was uneventful. We awoke to a bright sunny day. Quite a contrast to the rainy day in Boston. There was still very little colour change visible from the port. There was nothing of interest near the port so we remained on board. Later we made our regular trip to the hot tub then later to the dance floor. Princess has been trying to create a comedy club in the aft most lounge. Last night’s comedian was one of the better performers. He got a lot of laughs pursuing two themes; “happy wife, happy life” and “if mama’s not happy, no-one’s happy”.

Overnight we chased our partner Enchanted Princess up the coast to Saint John, NB. Canada Border Services took our paper declarations, performed 15 random inspections and that was that. The weather cooperated for most of the day. Rain began about 3:30 and our departure will be between 6:00 and 7:00 PM so some tours will have a wet ending.

During our walk along the waterfront we encountered the typical port shops but with a twist. The stores were constructed from shipping containers. The village consisted of about 25 shops including a performance stage with a live performance. The shops ranged from food services to souvenirs. Some travellers could even try Beaver Tails.

Gustave Flaubert, Flaubert in Egypt: A Sensibility on Tour

It is always sad to leave a place to which one knows one will never return. Such are the melancolies du voyage: perhaps they are one of the most rewarding things about traveling.

Boston Turnaround

No, you haven’t missed a post. Sydney, Halifax, St John to Boston and barely a leaf changed colour. Those who came specifically to find fall colours must be terribly disappointed. One can’t rush mother nature. Having visited most places in the region on previous trips we have not repeated tours.

Our stop in St John should have been good for tours of the bay since a low tide coincided with our arrival and we remained long enough to see a full change. Even at our berth in St John the ship must have risen at least 20 feet over the tide cycle.

This morning Boston is bleak. Fog shrouds the city such that only the profiles of tall buildings defines the horizon. The rain is falling sometimes harder than others. In the open areas staff are busy mopping up rain water or pushing it toward drains.

We will need to visit US Immigration at some point today but on the basis of announcements we have heard the process is running about two hours behind schedule. Meanwhile room stewards on five decks are busy recycling cabins to receive passengers boarding. Until every arriving passenger and crew has been processed through US officials no-one will be boarding. Turnaround days are always interesting.

I will post a few more photos and hope to share some colour change with you on the return trip.


Travel with the wit of an adult, and the wonder of a child.