The first 497.4 km done

Apple maps predicted 490 km in 5 hours and 3 minutes without stops. The actual 497.3 km took 6 hours and 12 minutes with three stops. All of the stops were at Onroute service centres. The first at Port Hope after a slowish trip through Toronto, the second at Trenton and the third at Odessa. Packing a sandwich for lunch really expedites lunch stops.

Highway 401 does not offer much of interest for photography but there was one head scratcher. As we were progressing eastward after lunch westbound traffic diminished to nothing and then we came upon the answer. Many flashing red, blue and yellow lights. One medium sized truck on the hook of a wrecker, a semi off the road in the ditch to the right of the highway, several OPP vehicles and a trail of debris littering the highway for several hundred metres. We were apparently looking at the aftermath of a fatal accident that happened late last night. I was able to find a news item on this accident. It is a bit ominous to see the highway void of cars.

Tomorrow will be a longer drive along the south side of the St Lawrence river. There may even be something worthy a photo.

Colum McCann, Let the Great World Spin

There’s a part of me that thinks perhaps we go on existing in a place even after we’ve left it.

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26 days ago

That’s a long stretch for your first day….three years ago, I did a 7 day cycling tour that followed the St Lawrence River from Cornwall to Picton – a beautiful route!…..cheers!

25 days ago

NEVER take the 401 through Toronto, your time and the frustration is not worth it!

Karen Hanley
24 days ago

Totally awesome