The Christmas trip begins

Before starting the narrative of this trip I wanted to mention a few changes on the web site. Firstly, the post that arrives in your email is only an extract from the whole journal entry. To see the full post please click on the “Read the post” button. Secondly, The photo galleries are different. On the main web site visit the menu labeled “Photo Gallery”. The main menu page describes the changes. Thirdly, you will find a collection of recent photos at the bottom of the right sidebar. 

This is a short post because we haven’t traveled far. We are at the Toronto Airport Hilton which is adjacent to Park’nFly. We get a night’s sleep and don’t need to rise at 4 AM to get to our flight. This is the no stress way. Tomorrow will begin early enough with an 8 AM departure and all that goes with that in airport procedures.

OK, dinner is over. A very tasty pizza, Hilton style, and some chicken fillets and salad for Gail with some Rickards and wine to wash it down. That was topped off by a very pleasant waitress. Nothing to cook, nothing to wash up. Tomorrow, Los Angeles, hopefully by Dreamliner.

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Robert Pesowsky
5 years ago

Let the journey begin…

Donna Lockhart
5 years ago

Have a wonderful trip and a very Merry Christmas to you both

David Youkhana
5 years ago

Have a joyous trip for both of you enjoy a merry Christmas and a happy and pleasant New year.

5 years ago

Have a fabulous trip!!! 💕

Sue and Gary
5 years ago

May you find calm seas both ways. Enjoy de Sue and Gary