Starting Westward

Today is the day I rediscovered 3:30 AM. Gail tells me about it frequently, apparently she peaks at the clock. We had 3 alarms set, 2 iPhones and my regular bedside alarm clock set for 5 minutes earlier; needed only one. Once up, I attended to the most important task; getting coffee from the Tim Hortons across the street. By the time coffee was finished we grabbed the last suitcases, locked the door, took the elevator to the parking garage, loaded the luggage and began the drive to the airport. It was 4:15. 

I suppose we share the blame for selecting a 6:10 AM departure. The only other choice was an 8:00 AM departure from Toronto, the 6:10 was from Hamilton. Although the later departure looks good at first the extra hour needed at Toronto plus the longer commute equalizes everything. The 6:10 from Hamilton won! 

By the time we arrived, the place was in full operation. Check-in, with a REAL person was quick and painless. The Tim Hortons was doing a brisk business, although there was no long waiting line, so we joined the group of travellers sitting at tables with breakfast sandwiches and coffee before entering the departure lounge.

No long line to get through security either and the staff were actually smiling and seemed pleasant, perhaps even enjoyed their work. Once we passed the security check-point we waited in a lounge that was not over crowded until boarding. When boarding was called, passengers actually respected the boarding order as it was called out and, believe it or not, everyone got on board and found space for carry-ons.

Our stop in Calgary was just long enough to grab a snack or perhaps a second breakfast to be more accurate. We arrived at our departure lounge just in time to see our plane roll up to the gate. When the time came to board the aircraft all was well organized such that the doors closed and we departed just ahead of schedule.

Dave met us at Kelowna airport and before long we arrived at their home high up on the east bank of the lake. From there we have a clear view of the airport, the lake and the hills of West Kelowna.  It is here we stay until Sunday when we travel to Vancouver to join our cruise.

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6 years ago

Well, we’re just home from Scotland /Ireland and you’re off!
Have a wonderful adventure.

6 years ago

Sounds like a good start to your adventure!! Safe travels!!

6 years ago

we always opt for departure from Hamilton whenever possible.
Have a great holiday.
Mary F

6 years ago

Wow an early start for sure!
Hope the Kelowna weather was good.
Enjoy your cruise. Linda

Lawrence Cragg
6 years ago

I certainly agree with your choice of Hamilton in preference to YYZ. It’s like returning to an older, more civilized era. I wish you well on your travels and look forward to reading more of your diary – or should that be blog?

Gary & Sue
6 years ago

Wishing the four of you calm seas and a great time on the Grand Princess.
G & S.