One more trip

This is really a test to determine if my email distribution system is working. I suggest you “click” on the “Read the post” button and continue reading on the web site as the email is only a preview. Should you decide to stay with us I will try to provide a reasonably interesting narrative and a few photos. When you receive this you may decide you do not wish to follow our travels so there is a link associated with the email allowing you to unsubscribe. You won’t hurt my feelings by using it.

Having not used the journal for almost a year I never know what state the site is win after a years worth of software updates to all the pieces that make up a WordPress web site. It was a good thing I did. Things were not working well when I first logged in. Eventually, the problem was traced to my own computer system where my ad blocker was confused and categorized some of the WordPress pages as unwanted popups. Once discovered the solution was quite simple.

We weren’t sure we would be traveling again this year. The Alaska cruise last year was great, the airport experience, not so much. It seems that airport security is in such a state of paranoia that everyone is assumed to be a threat. We decided that any travel this year would be without airports. Since we had one of our granddaughters living with us during her working semester we chose not to travel until she returned to school.These circumstances led us to consider a cruise starting and ending in Quebec City.

Quebec City is within driving distance and we found back to back 10 day cruises between Quebec City and Boston. We found a Princess cruise starting September 27 and returning to Quebec City on October 17. This fit the bill perfectly. We had been using a Travel Agent at CAA Hamilton who, sadly, passed away just before our cruise last fall. We turned to our friends Chris and Marie who recommended a Travel Agent they liked and in no time at all we were booked. After we booked Gail had an idea. Why not start the trip early and do a Maritime road trip before the cruise. I took no convincing and began to plot a route with the major point of interest being the Cabot Trail. As of today accommodation is booked for a leisurely 10 say tour of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick terminating on September 27 at the Quebec City cruise port. Now all we need is good weather.

Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Whenever you go on a trip to visit foreign lands or distant places, remember that they are all someone’s home and backyard.