Once again it was an early morning. These early mornings remind us of a reason we like cruising–we unpack only once! Train trips such as this and road trips mean there is some unpacking and repacking every day. The daily scenery helps make up for the inconvenience. A little fog lingered as the motor coach made its way to the railroad station. There was no big send off, unlike our arrival the evening before.
Continue Reading →Day: 27 September 2022
Arrived at Jasper
Monday was a marathon day. It is now Tuesday morning and this will be a short post with more to come later today. We arrived at the Jasper station at about 9 PM, that was 10 pm Alberta time, in the dark. It was pretty much a get to the hotel and to bed. However, we did get a glimpse of Mt Robson in the twilight. I’ll tell the day’s stories in a post later today.

Samuel Johnson
The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, see them as they are.