The Last Post

Don’t blame me, the title was Gail’s idea. It will likely be the final post of this trip. In summary, it was the coolest and roughest Pacific crossing ever. Three out of four days in Hawaii were great, only the storm on our second day on the islands caused problems. We skipped the port of Kauai, the Captain opting to wait out the storm in Honolulu. As it turned out the weather was bad on all the islands that day.

It was still a lovely way to enjoy the holidays. The food was good as was the entertainment. We encountered quite a few passengers with whom we knew from previous Christmas cruises. Dancing was good, musically, and better when the floor was staying in one place. It turns out that roller coaster dancing is not so easy.

The disembarkation went smoothly and we were off of the ship, with luggage and on board the bus for our transfer to LAX by 8:15 AM. We arrived at LAX Terminal 2 about 9:00 AM. There was no-one at the Westjet check-in counter and we were not charged for our checked bags. I did not challenge that decision. LAX is under construction, again, and what airport is not? After the check-in process in Terminal 2 we were directed to our boarding gate in Terminal 3. It was not a long trek although we did have to walk outside to pass the construction zone.

Now all we can do is wait. Hope the weather is favourable or our return.

Audrey Niffenegger, Her Fearful Symmetry

There are several ways toreact to being lost. One is to panic: this was usually Valentina’s first impulse. Another is to abandon yourself to lostness, to allow the fact that you’ve misplaced yourself to change the way you experience the world.

Ensenada then home again

I managed to get some photos uploaded today. If you click on the email post and visit the web site you should be able to find them. Click on the Christmas Cruise 2019 under the Photo Gallery menu.

January 1, 2020 and Gail is in rehearsal for the Aloha ‘Oe Farewell Show where the ukulele and hula students show what they have learned. Dave and Leialoha, the Hawaiian ambassadors and entertainers work with groups of passengers during sea days to teach several melodies and hulas. This year there will be around 150 passengers performing this year.

Without doubt this has been the roughest Pacific crossing we have experienced a dozen trips. It has also been one of the coolest. It seems we have always been at the edge of a storm system but I suppose we should be glad it was only the edge. I don’t mind the motion of the ship; Gail and others find it uncomfortable to varying degrees.

Princess Cruises has been introducing a high speed internet service called MedallionNet but not yet on this ship. I was surprised to learn that it will be implemented this year even though the ship will leave the Princess fleet in 2021. It is interesting how our expectations change. When I first began the travel journal I was happy to have any internet service on board even if it often vanished when far offshore. The current service provides reasonably reliable service globally but not at speeds needed to deal with the amount of data associated with photos and video. The new services like MedallionNet which are becoming available on most ships is capable of meeting the demands of streaming music and video. Coincidentally, I am currently reading a book titled “TUBES, A Journey To The Centre Of The Internet” by Andrew Blum. This book takes me back through my career with computers which began before the Internet.

We are in Ensenada today, January 2 and it is sunny but not hot. Never-the-less it is warmer than home in Burlington. We have enjoyed traveling with a number of people we have met on previous cruises and today we started our good-byes. Tomorrow we start home.

I managed to check-in with WestJet and get electronic boarding passes with no difficulty this year. Last year it was extremely difficult as the ship’s internet was paralyzingly slow. Today was just fine.

See you all soon.

Hilo then back at sea

It has been several days since the last posting. The internet has been spotty and too unreliable to even get much in the way of email much less upload a post or photos. Perhaps things will improve while we are at our berth in Ensenada.

Since leaving Hilo the weather has been overcast and grey. The seas have been heavy, the wind has been strong and the outside decks have been closed. Although the ship has handled the rough seas quite well, the decks have been in continuous motion. Walking from port to starboard the trip may involve both uphill and downhill sections. People walk the length of the deck look like they have consumed way too much alcohol, weaving from side to side. The elevators sway and make strange clunking sounds.

However, today, our last sea day before the port of Ensenada, Mexico is bright and sunny. The open decks are once again available for us to walk outside.

Hilo greeted us with a warm sunny day although somewhat overcast. We spent the day just enjoying the warmth that has been uncharacteristically missing this trip. The ship was quite empty with most passengers taking advantage of the last island port.

Among the decorations around the ship are a number of wreaths constructed by various departments. Each department seams to have attempted to use an appropriate motif. Eventualy, there will be photos.

When we departed Hilo for the five day return to continental North America with a stop at Ensenada, Mexico. On the first evening we indulged in the Crown Grill steakhouse thanks to a gift certificate from our travel agent Laurie. It was also a formal night but the floors were too bouncy for much dancing. 

New Years eve was another formal evening. We managed to dance a little. I think the floor was still moving too much but perhaps we are becoming accustomed to the motion.