One Small Step

It snowed this morning and the forecast for the next day or so is “cold”. After that the next two weeks seem moderate. Still, not a bad time to head for the sun. Long Beach is forecasting some sun and high teens temperatures. Hawaii is in the high 20s with the occasional rain shower, as usual.

Well we only traveled 55 km today, but it’s one small step and every trip begins with a first step. We could have waited until the morning of the flight but that would have required a drive in morning rush hour traffic. Yech! (or some similar epithet) We prefer a less stressful beginning.

I have placed a link in the menu bar called Itinerary 2019 the purpose of which should be somewhat apparent. Should you wish to get a preview of our journey click on the link here or on the home page menu.

We checked into the Airport Hilton about 3 PM and I then dropped the car at Park’n’Fly for a couple of weeks rest. The walk back to the hotel was not particularly cold. As usual, we needed to open one of the bags that we thought wouldn’t need to be opened but of course there was something that should have been in the overnight bag that was not. Hopefully, everything is now perfectly organized for tomorrow.

Just after 5 PM we went down to the restaurant for a drink. We got back to the room just before 8:30. It began with a beer and a glass of wine. We began to chat with a woman near us, Gayle from New Jersey, and that continued for over 3 enjoyable hours.

The first day ends quietly.

Today’s photos are in the sidebar.