…There Was Time…

Because of the flight delay there was time for a leisurely breakfast. Because of the balky luggage tag issuing computer and the jammed up automated luggage check in conveyor we were glad for the extra time. Because of Nexus we have time to relax a bit before climbing into my airplane straight jacket.

Boarding was completed right on schedule, seating and luggage storage took a while. The next 45 minutes were spent in getting to the other side of the airport and de-icing. The next 30 going from 18th in line to actual take off through the freezing rain.

After that the flight was great. Even the food was decent. Arrived at 1:15 Pacific time and our luggage was among the first onto the carousel.

By 2:15 PM we in our room at the Marriott then off to pick up wine and snacks. The snacks may help with the confusion. The clock says 3 o’clock but the body says 6 o’clock.

Boarding tomorrow.

In The Beginning…

Any of you who have followed our previous ventures may recall that pretrip dental work was my hallmark. Gail has taken my place for this trip. On Friday she got the crown. Today, yes Sunday, she was in the chair again. Hopefully, the antibiotics will be the last of it.

We arrived at the airport Hilton just before dinner time. Our room was upgraded to a small suite and after checking in I took the car to the ParkNfly adjacent. After drinks and a light dinner we settled in for the evening, set alarms for 5 AM and sat down in front of one of the two TVs.

My phone pinged with the arrival of an email. The subject read “Air Canada: FLIGHT CANCELLED (booking ref: S6V6WE)”. After restarting my heart I read the remainder and we both sighed in relief. The flight was changed from an 8:15 departure to a 10:20 departure. So, with new boarding passes in hand I guess I can change the wake up time and relax.

Until tomorrow.

Almost Time

It has been a while since we have been traveling but we are about to begin again. We start with a Holiday Cruise to Hawaii and back. There will likely be a few short posts during the trip.

In February we set off for Australia then work our way back via Maui. There should be much more to chronicle on this journey.

So this is really just to check the website mailing list. We hope you’ll enjoy some of our posts.